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Throughout my time at university I was fortunate enough to be able to write screenplays to be adapted for screen. One university project in particular, titled 'Witch Hunt' was credited with a B grade and was filmed on 16mm film. 

In the past I have preferred to sell my screenplays rather than have a creative role with them, but now I'd love to start having more of a role in their development. I have experience in pitching and selling screenplays and have travelled to Los Angeles previously to do so. Whilst in LA recently, I sold three pieces. 

My most recent sold works are; 

'Pudding' (2016) - A burdened mother worries about her deeply disturbed child who has a propensity for harming animals

'Eve' (2015) - Thrust into the gang-life prominent in Mexico, Eve discovers her partners involvement in a young families cold-blooded murder.

'Letters to My Psychiatrist' (2017) - A working mother murders her three young children after uncovering her husbands affair. 

'The Black Dhalia's' (2018) - 22-year-old Elizabeth Short runs away to Los Angeles in hopes of finding love and stardom. Beautiful, fame-blind, and with a penchant for danger, Elizabeth finds herself trapped in Hollywood – the Land of Gods and Monsters. Love and greed find her, and so does tragedy.

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